Apollo – Easy and Intiutive In-Vivo dosimetry
Apollo is an In-Vivo Dosimetry System that grows with your needs. It is very easy to install, calibrate and use as a stand-alone system due to its intuitive design and function.
As your requirements increase you can use the digital communication to integrate it with your verification system or with dedicated software to get automatic acquisition and recording of the patient dose data.
Apollo is available in two verions: Apollo 10 with ten channels and Apollo 5 with five channels.
The Apollo detectors are designed with ease of use, safety and accuracy in mind.
There are four standard detector versions with internal build-up from 5 to 30 mm and the build-up thickness is indicated by the colour of the detector.
The detector is very robust and can be cleaned with conventional disinfectants.
Apollo Phantoms
The Apollo system can be enhanced with two different phantoms.
- A calibration phantom for easy calibration setup
- A Quality Assurance phantom for easy accelerator QA and double use of the Apollo system that gives essentially the same functionality as the Hermes 5
Apollo Ceiling Mount Detector Terminals – Easy and Practical!
The Apollo Helix Ceiling mount give a practical and easy way to handle the In-vivo detectors and cables.
The detectors are always easily available and can equally easy be put away until needed next time.
You avoid cables on the floor and separate trolleys for “cable free” radio controlled base stations.