“To conserve nature and existing resources for coming generations is one of our most important concerns”
“Environmental care is a vital consideration for us; in all we are doing”
Since the X-ray was discovered, the metal Lead has traditionally been the most used material to shield or protect ourselves from radiation. The material used in personal radiation protection garments has in almost a century been a lead oxide rubber mixture which indeed is efficient to shield the radiation but on the other hand has enormous environmental drawbacks; lead is toxic and can in relatively small amounts contribute to genetic damage to humans, animals and to our nature.
Our commitment to society is to bring environmentally friendly products to our customers without sacrificing safety and comfort. Our research and development tests made it possible to produce a new material for our X-ray protection garments totally without lead and its negative effects.
In our lead free protection material, Lead has totally been replaced by other metals such as Bismuth and Antimoy. This results in the same radiation protection quality as the traditional lead rubber material, however it is possible to recycle and weights less.
For the determination and test of the radiation protection quality we are using the same methodology as for Lead rubber material and described in the International Standard IEC 61331-1 which is mandatory for the CE-mark of the product.
In every detail of the product and in every step of the production we are committed to find and use the most environmentally friendly solution; to the benefit of coming generations.